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My name is Cassidie Shinpaugh and I'm currently a freshman at Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY. I am a Communications major with a focus on Journalism. You've happened upon this website that I created to showcase photos I took while traveling around Europe during Summer of 2014. I was blessed to have been given the opportunity to travel internationally with the program People to People.


People to People is a government funded program that offers the chance to travel all over the world to students of all ages. You can get recognized due to outstanding academics and a referral by a teacher, or for the time you volunteer to your community, or you can apply on their website.


Without People to People I would've never had the opportunity to learn so much about the lifestyle and cultures of varying countries. The program I was a part of was the European Heritage program and we traveled through Switzerland, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and England all in the span of 20 days. It was I hold near and dear to my heart and was an experience I will truly never forget. I

Cassidie Shinpaugh


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The Travels of

A Mediocre Photographer

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